Eyeliner Tattoo | Permanent Makeup clinic
touch up within 4-6 weeks
touch up within 4-6 weeks
touch up within 4-6 weeks
touch up within 4-6 weeks
touch up within 6-8 weeks
touch up within 4-6 weeks
This incredible treatment eliminates the need to outline eyelids with liquid liners or pencils and improves the appearance of missing, thin, or light colored lashes. Permanent eyeliner allows people to swim, shower, or exercise without having makeup smudges. It provides safety and convenience to people with oily skin, vision problems, or unsteady hands.
I offer three types of Eyeliner tattoo: Classic Eyeliner, LashLine Enhancement and Shaded Eyeliner. The three treatments are designed to improve the appearance of your eyes and lashes. Among the permanent Makeup procedures those performed on the eyes are the less invasive ones. The swelling disappears within 24hrs, without bleeding during the process and the scabbings is barely noticeable. However, like any other treatment, it requires a bit of attention and preparation.
Lash Line Enhancement:
No lash extensions on the time of your appointment, due to safety reasons. Lashes may be applied 3-4 weeks after your eyeliner is completely healed and touched-up
Avoid using Lash enhancing serums at least 30 days prior to the treatment.
It's essential to avoid eye makeup and mascara whilst healing (1 week). You may like to get your lashes tinted 5 days (or more) days before the appointment. Do not tint less than 5 days
If you wear contact lenses ensure they are removed and bring your glasses if needed
Avoid eye makeup at the time of your appointment
If you have any moles on the lash line, recent infections, concerns or irregular skin issues please reach out and DM a close-up picture if you are unsure
You may experience minor puffiness after the treatment however this may be resumed within few hours. Driving or returning to work immediately afterwards is fine.
Sometimes a slighted increase of puffiness may be expected the next morning. This normally subsides throughout the day, however may last 3-5 days.
Apply a cold compress or ice to the area immediately after treatment, for just a few minutes and repeat every few hours that day.
Using a clean cotton tip, apply a very thin layer of product to the area 1-2 times per day, as directed.
Do not apply mascara or eye makeup to the area or touch with unclean fingers until healed (1 week)
Do not apply lash extensions within 3 weeks post-treatment
If you experience any unexpected discomfort or irritation of the eye area , notify me and consult a pharmacist immediately.
Return for a touch up at 4
For 1 week Post-Treatment:
Avoid cardio workouts and excessive sweating
until the healing area starts to scab up (2-5 days). Once the scabbing starts, you may resume normal exercising, however be cautious of exposing the area to sweat.
Do not touch the healing area with fingers.
Do not submerge the area in chlorinated pools or salt water.
Avoid saturating the area in water.
Avoid hot, steamy showers, steam rooms and saunas until healed.
Avoid hot, spray tanning the area until healed.
Avoid consuming alcohol for 48 hours post-treatment.
Protect the area from sun exposure and ensure your skin is in good health for 2 weeks prior to the treatment.
Certain chemicals in cleansers and moisturisers will accelerate fading and may discolour the tattoo. Avoid applying these products to any tattooed areas unless directed to do so.
Expected healing time between 5-10 days.
Week after treatment:
Where did the colour go?
During the healing process, the tattooed area will become intensely dark and minor scabbing will develop as new collagen rich skin forms underneath. This new skin temporarily makes the pigment appear faded and dull. Protect and nourish this new skin and the colour will return within a few weeks.
Still unsure?

Lash Line Enhancement may be defined as the "universal one" as it suits everyone's face, age and eyes shape. Black is the most recommended colour to perform this treatmet as the brown may heal too light.
Shaded Eyeliner Tattoo